aa94214199 31 Jul 2014 ... I was just asked by a friend about how to decode a serial number and after 20 minutes of scratching my ... Volvo Penta Duo-Prop 7.4L "LK". Select, Model Year, Starting Serial No. Model Designation. 1977, C-10001, DT 9C. 1978, D-10001, DT 9D. 1979, F-10001, DT 9F .... View and Download Volvo D12 operator's manual online. Penta marine engines. ... Serial and base engine number ( ) . .... Engine Volvo Penta Owner's Manual.. 30 Jun 2012 ... General Volvo Chat - Marine engine serial number - I have a 1983 Volvo Penta AQ280A sterndrive with a 305 GM V-8 engine. I cannot find the .... 26 Aug 2013 - 2 min - Uploaded by Robert DIYThis video will show you the location of the engine serial number on the Volvo 5 cylinder motor .... The Suzuki Outboard Motor MODEL, PRE-FIX and SERIAL NUMBER are stamped on a plate attached to the clamp bracket. When ordering parts and/or .... 12 Aug 2006 ... Penta - Volvo Stern Drive Identification - Hello everyone! ... bought a spare that looks exactly the same, but has a different serial number format.. The serial number is a unique identifier of your engine and the key to efficient servicing and the correct ordering of parts. It can be found on the type plates and .... The identification of the product is found on a plate on every Volvo Penta Product. ... This information is only available when searching by serial number.. If you have the model number of your engine, and would like to know the year it was ... keywords: Find year, serial, number, model, number, #, outboard, motor, .... Here are the numbers I took off the tags on my outdrive and transom ... Putting the outdrive serial # into the volvo engine data base, it says it is .... 23 May 2011 ... All Volvo engines come from the factory with a metal tag riveted on the engine or outdrive which has the serial number and the engine .... The serial and engine number can tell us a lot about you Volvo Penta marine engine. Some owners have difficulty identifying the exact model of their engine or .... :D 2nd picture shows a number but molded on a part not main block so presumably not a serial? Any idea where serial might be? Boat is a .... A list of Volvo Penta Marine engines, including models out of production.. 14 Jun 2008 ... 3868389 ; Ratio: 1.66 ; Serial n. T0805676. PLEASE it's do possible to know the SERIAL NUMBERS, TYPE and MODEL Engines? Thank.. Hey guys. I'm trying to get some info on a new Volvo Penta 350 engine. I have the serial number. Is there a website that I could look up the .... VolvoPentaStore.com is organized around the engine or drive product name. ... on the product that contains the name, specification number and serial number.. The serial number is a unique identifier of your product and the key to efficient servicing and correct ordering of parts. It can be found on decals and product .... 1 Sep 2011 ... :D 2nd picture shows a number but molded on a part not main block so presumably not a serial? Any idea where serial might be? Boat is a ...
Volvo Penta Serial Number Decoder